Extensive online lesson




マーティではキッズ・ジュニア向けのオンラインレッスンを常時開催しています。 バレエスクールに通っている方は、普段のレッスンに+αで予習や復習、苦手な動きを克服するために活用いただけます。






講師は、国内外の現役プロバレエダンサーや海外留学やバレエ団で活躍経験のある講師、オンラインでも対面でも指導歴豊富な講師、資格や専門知識を持っている講師など、高い水準の講師陣です。 海外にいる講師から、または自身が海外にいる場合でも、どこでも誰でもつながることができることがオンラインの最大の魅力です。



集団レッスンからプライベートレッスンまであなたの必要とするレッスンを単回から受け付けています。 レッスンの時間も30分から75分まで、幅広く用意しています。ちょっとした隙間時間ができた時に受講するのも◎ お気軽にご予約ください。






パソコンとネット環境、バーレッスンやストレッチができるほどのスペースさえあればどこでも受講可能です。 便利な時代になったからこそ、スタジオまで送迎できない時や、一時的なお休み期間にオンラインに切り替えるのもOKです。スタジオに通えなくなってもバレエをやめる選択をせず、大好きなバレエを継続することが叶います。



お子様だけでなく、保護者様も楽しめる大人のバレエクラス、ピラティス、ヨガ、ジャイロキネシスなどのプログラムも盛りだくさん! 幅広い年齢層の方が楽しめるよう、朝・昼・夜など様々なレッスン時間を設定しています。家族みんなでバレエを楽しむことができます。






① Holding online lessons for kids and juniors

 Marty always holds online lessons for kids and juniors. If you are attending a ballet school, you can use it to prepare for and review your usual lessons, and to overcome weak movements.


②For the first ballet◎

 If you are worried about starting ballet in earnest, or if you are worried about face-to-face trial lessons, why not try ballet online first? After learning the fun of ballet lessons through online lessons, you can improve your speed by making good use of face-to-face lessons and online lessons.


③High-level lecturers

 Our instructors are professional ballet dancers in Japan and overseas, instructors who have studied abroad and worked in ballet companies, instructors who have a wealth of teaching experience both online and face-to-face, and instructors who have qualifications and specialized knowledge . The biggest attraction of online is that you can connect with anyone from anywhere, even if you are overseas, or even if you are overseas.


④ 30 minutes ~, OK from a single session!

 From group lessons to private lessons, we accept lessons that you need from a single lesson.  We offer a wide range of lesson times, from 30 minutes to 75 minutes. You can also take classes when you have a little gap time ◎  Please feel free to make a reservation.


⑤ Low-cost, wallet-friendly online lessons

 Prices range from ¥500 for 30 minutes to ¥1400 for 75 minutes, which is easy on the wallet. There is no periodical binding at all. You can take classes when you want, when you want, and as often as you like, and you can learn without waste.


⑥ Only 3 items are required!

 You can take classes anywhere as long as you have a computer, internet environment, and enough space for bar lessons and stretching.  Now that it's convenient, it's OK to switch to online when you can't pick up and drop off at the studio, or during temporary holidays. Even if you can't go to the studio, you won't choose to quit ballet, and you will be able to continue your favorite ballet.


⑦ Fun for the whole family

 There are plenty of programs such as adult ballet classes, Pilates, yoga, gyrokinesis that not only children but also parents can enjoy!  We have set various lesson times such as morning, noon, and night so that people of all ages can enjoy it. The whole family can enjoy ballet.


⑧ Comprehensiveness comparable to face-to-face

 We don't make the lessons unsatisfactory just because they are online, we try to make them more realistic.  If you have any questions, the instructor will have time to answer them before and after the lesson.